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Reliable. Personable. Fast.

Capture More Leads With Our Lead Generation Service​

LookForLeads excels in delivering customized offshore B2C lead generation services, catering to businesses of all sizes.

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Looking for leads? We help agencies to increase the sales by 50%


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LookforLeads: Trusted Growth Partner

LookforLeads is a full-service marketing agency that enhances the online brand presence of both business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) companies across the United States. Our focus lies in providing custom marketing services tailored to address unique client needs, customer profiles, and budgetary concerns. These services are created in-house by our team of skilled marketing specialists.

For close to a decade, LookForLeads has been at the forefront of the industry, harnessing extensive experience to navigate the intricate landscapes of Final Expense, Medicare, Mortgage Protection, and Real Estate leads. We are more than a marketing agency; we are architects of success, dedicated to propelling your ventures to new heights.

Our team is passionate about what we do, and we invite you to explore career opportunities with us. 

Trusted by 25,000+ Companies

Why Choose us?

We are dedicated to support you

You deserve care that’s simple, personalized, and hassle-free. Safe Insurance that’s designed to help you thrive. At LookForLeads, everything works together for one very important cause. You.

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CRM Access

Empower your strategies with seamless CRM Access, unlocking the tools you need for efficient lead management and unparalleled decision-making.
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Instant Leads Delivery

Gain a competitive edge with Instant Leads Delivery, ensuring prompt access to opportunities and maximizing your potential for swift business growth.
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Awesome Support!

Experience unparalleled guidance and problem-solving with our Support, a dedicated team ensuring your success and satisfaction at every step.
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Targeted Leads

Precision meets success, our strategic approach tailoring solutions to ensure your campaigns reach the right audience, enhancing conversion rates.
Our services

We give many services in different fields.

We develop the relationships that underpin the next phase in your organization’s growth.

Final Expense Leads

May tranquility be a constant companion, gracing your loved ones with serene moments.

Medicare Leads

Cut costs on medical treatment. Find a plan that fits your needs now.

Mortgage Protection Leads

Secure your investment and fortify your home with vigilant protection and steadfast care.

Live Transfer Leads

Initiate contact with promising leads, poised and prepared for immediate conversations.

Real Estate Leads

Create an opportunity; explore and find your perfect home at this very moment.

Debt Consolidate Leads

Make your financial situation simpler. Just one small payment.

Annuity Leads

Retire with confidence, ensuring the safeguarding of your future financial well-being.

Home Improvement Leads

Infuse your home with investments that elevate both comfort and value seamlessly.

Bulletproof Compliance

Telesales can be a lawsuit waiting to happen if you’re not careful.

Agents with Look for Leads have ZERO liability to TCPA and HIPAA compliance – the 2 big risks to telesales agents.

TCPA Compliance:

If you’re working any Look for Leads lead in our platform, you have ZERO liability to TCPA lawsuits. That includes DNC violations.

Our technology doesn’t allow you to call leads outside of TCPA restricted hours in each state. It also doesn’t allow you to call a lead over 90 days old without an established business relationship per TCPA rules.

Furthermore, our leads are all TCPA compliant. We generate the leads internally here at Look for Leads and abide by all TCPA laws and use the latest technologies to take TCPA compliance even further.

HIPAA Compliance:

We use Amazon Web Service (AWS) utility based cloud services to process, maintain and store protected health information. AWS’ risk management program has higher security standards than the HIPAA Security Rule. In other words, we’re HIPAA compliant.

With all agents on Look for Lead’s platform being HIPAA compliant, it unlocks several competitive products that are available to sell over the phone and that were typically only allowed to be sold face to face or in controlled call center environments. Giving Look for Lead agents access to competitive products and/or much more relaxed signature options.

Get Your Quote Quick & Easy

Final Expense Leads Medicare Leads Mortgage Protection Leads Real Estate Leads Live Transfer Leads Debt Consolidate Leads Annuity Leads Home Improvement Leads
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Final Expense Leads
Secure peace of mind. Get a final expense quote today.

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    Medicare Leads
    Navigate Medicare with ease. Connect with local agents now.

      lfl icons 26
      Mortgage ProtectionLeads
      Safeguard your home. Get a free mortgage protection quote.

        lfl icons 33
        Real Estate Leads
        Find your dream home faster. Connect with local agents.

          lfl icons 27
          Live Transfer Leads
          Speak to qualified leads instantly. Boost your sales today.

            lfl icons 25
            Debt ConsolidateLeads
            Streamline your debt. Connect with a consolidation specialist.

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              Annuity Leads
              Secure your future. Get an annuity quote today.

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                Home Improvement Leads
                Spruce up your space. Get free contractor quotes now.

                  If you face any problem, Call 000-000-000 (Sat-Fri)

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                  Ready to boost your ROI?

                  Get ready to supercharge your business! Our cutting-edge lead generation solutions are here to revolutionize your growth strategy. Watch Now!

                  Legendary Service & Simple Tools

                  Look For Leads is the best Lead Generation mobile app for agencies and agents looking to get targeted leads of different types just on one click.

                  Convenient Mobile App. Get your order details and exclusive leads, check recordings, add Notes, reporting, and reminders.

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                  At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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                  Are You Looking For The Exclusive Leads. Don't Leave Empty Handed! Join Us and Grow Fast.